Hey all! My name is Meena, and I was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder in 2020. There will be a lot of sensitive topics that I’ll talk about and cover, and I’m not going to sugarcoat any of it. I’ll do my best to warn y’all, but I will admit up front that I will talk about suicide and self harm quite a bit. I believe that being open and honest about mental health is the only way we’ll be able to break the taboo and start seeing positive change. And please, if you have any questions, or just need someone to talk to or vent to, please reach out to me.

This blog is going to be essentially a public journal. I am going to be 100% open and honest about every aspect of what I’m going through. Because if I can help just one person get the medical attention they need, it will be worth exposing the worst of me for everyone to see.

But I also want those who don’t fully understand BPD, and mental health in general, to see the person, the people, beneath the disorder, beneath the pain. See me. See us. Not our diagnosis.